"Gracias a la Vida"
Opening Wednesday, August 19 from 3:00 pm
19.08 al 19.09.2020
Open Art Galerie
Borken - Germany
After the success of the last exhibition, Duvan presents his new Painting with warm and vibrant colors, the Tayrona watercolors and a new ink drawings, the Red Lips series.
During his stay in Borken from August 19 to 25, he will paint ceramics in Sandra Hildebrandt's studio and draw inks and watercolors in a live event with collectors visiting the Gallery

Serie Tayrona

Serie Red Lips

Open Art Galerie
Neutor, 15
D-46325 Borken
tel + 49 286191663
Wednesday to Friday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm